Friday, August 12, 2011

As I See It

There are two types of eligible voters: the informed and the uninformed.  All Party’s have both, but the Democratic Party has the distinction of having the most uninformed voters and the Republican Party has the most informed voters.  This distinction has a lot to do with each Party’s Platform and priorities.

While informed voter’s make-up the minority of voters in both Parties, their concerns consistently make-up over seventy-five percent of each Parties Platform.  The thing about informed voters is that they are issue driven campaigners and they need an issue or issues that they believe in and/or are concerned about to motivate them enough to be a force in the campaigning arena.  Informed voters are very adept at seeking out and receiving information about their issues from multiple mediums.  What we have learned over the last five years is that whether the issue is true or not does not determine the effort an informed voter put into campaigning on that issue.  In fact in most cases they campaign harder for untrue issues than they do for true issues.  That is because the stimuli that motivates an informed voter to the issues they support could be driven by personal experience, political affiliation, religion, race, family loyalty and/or financial consideration.  Take for instance, the Tea Party Movement or as I call them, “The best Movement that money can buy”.  Most of the issues that they campaigned under were untrue and were investigated and documented to be untrue, but yet they grew and became successful enough to have a significant number of candidates elected to State and Federal offices.  This of course was because the uniformed voters were not inspired to come out and vote.  Some of the reasons why the Tea Party was successful included the following: being well funded by Big Oil, The Weapons Industry and their affiliates; most of the Media Industry bought in or sold out to them and; most of our Democratic leadership refused to fight for the peoples agenda.  Does this mean that I have a problem with informed voters?  I have no problem with Republican informed voters making their decisions based on lies, innuendoes, racism and money, but I do have a problem when Democratic informed voters emulates them.

Uninformed voters make up the majority in both Parties and have the least influence and input into their Political Platforms.  The irony of all this is that it is the uninformed voters who have the numbers to determine the success or failure of all elections.  By far the Democratic Party has the largest number of uninformed voters.  And unfortunately over the years since Franklin Delano Roosevelt they have not been able to consistently capitalize on their advantage.  One of the main reasons for this is that even though the Democratic Party promotes themselves as an open Party where everyone ideas are welcome and everyone’s needs are met, it has never quite got pass the Political Boss Stage where all decisions are made by a select few away from the body.  In South Carolina, Political decisions are still being made in the backrooms among tight knit Political Cronies, family members, friends and the big money backers who are the real decision makers in our State today.  It is amazing how stupid and powerless that they think the uninformed voters are.  They call them apathetic and believe that if they raise enough money to give out to these so called ignorant people, then they will get enough votes to win.  My Grandmother told me once that arrogance makes a rich man foolish and a poor man careless, which are two things neither man can survive with.  The truth is in every Democratic failed election; the uninformed has shown the Democratic Party how much smarter they are than them.  They understand that no matter who wins they lose.  So whether it is death by hanging or death my lynching, you are still dead with a rope around your neck.  There philosophy is why build the gallows that you will be hung on (vote for an uncaring Democrat candidate that you do not know and does not try to know you are your plight) when you can just not vote at all and get the same treatment by default by a Republican Administration.

As always these are my opinions and of course that does not make them right.

Lee Walter Jenkins

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