Tuesday, June 14, 2011

View From Inside

On Thursday June 9th I along with over 40 members of the SCDP Executive Committee attended our first meeting under our new leadership.  My initial purpose for attending this meeting was to address some recent issues that have caused unity problems within our Party.  But, instead of pursuing this option and maybe causing more of a further rift in an already unstable Party, I decided to be quiet, listen and be watchful.

The look on the faces of most, who attended, was hopeful, while others appeared to share my wait and see attitude during this momentous occasion.  Mr Harpootlian was at his best talking about his fundraising efforts and plans, which I expected.  Everything else, for me, was déjà vu.  From, Mr Fred Sheheen’s nominations, of the Secretary and Treasurer without any opposition, to the make-up our leadership, there was nothing new.  There was mention of improving and providing better access to vote builders, and upgrading the Party Web Page and informational system.  But there was no mention of a Rural or Minority Caucus, even though Mr Harpootlian has been heard promoting it to Minority Ministers.  There was no mention of infrastructural development, which we need as soon as possible.  There was talk about how effective their ad campaign was and how they were sticking it to Nikki Haley, but no conversation about how we are going to win an election, even with the help of President Obama’s money and workers. 

At this point our Democratic Party is beginning to look like the beautiful neighborhood on the set of a Movie Studio.  It looks great on the outside but when you look behind it there is nothing there but boards propping it up.  The problem with most administrators, wealthy people and those who believe they have arrived is that, they love to be seen as the reason for the season but they seldom have the appropriate ideas and/or the work habits and/or ethics to get the job done.  That is why, if they are smart and/or humble enough, they will always choose and/or hire a team of people qualified to do the job to make sure that they are successful.  Since being active in the South Carolina Democratic Party, I have found that this is a concept that has not been embraced by most of our leadership.  Initially I thought that Mr Harpootlian understood this concept when he spoke to me after his election, but apparently I was mistaken. 

Just for the record.  I love and support the Democratic Party based upon its written and stated philosophy and I will always support candidates and leadership that reflects these things, but I reserve the God given right to refuse to be led into the desert to die of thirst by a mirage.  My quote, my stance and my belief!

And as always, this is just my opinion and that does not make it right.  What is yours?


  1. Hi Lee,
    I enjoyed reading your synopsis of the SCDP meeting. I ask myself why it wasn't put on the SC web site?

    Indirectly you gave a great example why it should be put in the web site. These meeting are short compared to how many people attend and would like to give their point of view. On the other hand, if it were on the web site, people could make comments and get out their opinion. I'm telling you, if you don't do something fast, the Republicans will walk over us like snakes sneaking up on their prey.

    As far as improving the SCDP web site, this meeting could have been broadcasted on the web so everyone could have seen and heard it including the rural and minority caucuses. I hope the meeting doesn't mean more lost time.
    Someone told me if we broadcast our meetings, the Republicans will see what we are doing. Does it really matter?
    How effective is the ad campaign against Nikki Haley? These ad campaigns go to people who are already voting democratic. They must hit the Independents. Those are the ones that will make the difference.
    That brings me to this question: are the ads hitting the dependents, and are they effective?
    I saw the Republican debate, and all the candidates seem to run on the same platform: What ever Obama wants, they don't. None has a viable solution.
    If the Republicans win, this country is headed right back into the dark ages. New technology will be developed, but no one will be able to afford it.

    People are agitated with the progress made in the White House: needless wars, health care out of control, upside down mortgages, etc. There is a chance the Republicans will gain control.


  2. Dear Lee Walter Jenkins,

    Thank you for sharing your views. What a refreshing thing is was to read, at the end, that the opinions were yours and that did not necessarily make them right! Humility is a rare bird these days!!

    I'm still a newcomer to SC politics but an old hand in politics in general. I came from a very red district (Erie Co.) in western New York State (Buffalo region).

    I watched and listened to all at the meeting. I'm reserving even my most humble (which, by the way, my husband has assured me I've never had one of those) opinons.

    My only comment is that as the saying "It Takes A Village" goes..so too is truth in the statement that "It Takes A Team". I applaud DH on his bold move to assertively let the Gov. know she will not go unchallenged. I am hopeful that he will soon elect a competent and smart executive director because I think having such a person in place is critical to keeping our ship on course.

    I continue to write my letters to The State (my latest one was published yesterday, June 13) and in doing that I believe that I'm continuing to do one more thing as an individual Democrat that refuses to keep her mouth shut when the Gov. acts in a most irresponsible way.

    Thanks again for your email..

    Best Regards,

    Marcia W.Noonan
    Lex. Co. Dem


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