Tuesday, June 21, 2011

While I was gone Part 1

Below is a series of information that was sent in to me in my absence, on the  18th and 20th of June.  All the information that we publish is important, but for those who are interested in the New voter ID Law take the time to watch and listen to the interview with Michael Bailey by Newswatch.  I included the link last.  Please continue to send me your thoughts and information and I will continue to post those that meet the purpose of this Blog.

Lee Walter Jenkins

The South Carolina Voters Association's Position on the New Voter ID Law
"An unjust law is no law at all."  - Martin Luther King Jr.
On May 18, 2011, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley signed into law this nation's most disenfranchising voting law since the Jim Crow era Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests.  This law was specifically designed to circumvent the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by establishing road blocks and adding additional layers of bureaucratic red tape to the voting process. Its sole intent is to disenfranchise specific demographics that historically vote Democratic.
The SC Election Commission found that 178,175 South Carolinians have voter registration cards but no state issued ID's. If this were the sole problem, it could be addressed through a variety of measures. But, instead of ensuring the integrity of the voting process, this law unfortunately is meant to add stringent qualifications and unnecessary burdens that persons wanting to vote must first maneuver around. This law will potentially create a number of minuscule reasons why one could be denied the issuance of a state ID; thereby making them ineligible to qualify for a voter registration card.
The South Carolina Voters Association sees this law as regressive and unconstitutional. Furthermore, research has shown no documented case of voter fraud in the state of South Carolina. Therefore, this law seeks to solve a problem that does not exist. 
We want every citizen to know, whether they stand with us in solidarity or against us in opposition, that we shall oppose this law at every level of government, by any means available, through any course of action; bare any cross, suffer any adversity, accept any consequence, confront any opposition, aide any ally or join any battle to protect the voting rights of all South Carolinians.

Michael Bailey
State Director

South Carolina Voters Association

"I think a woman's place is in the House, the Senate and the Oval Office." - Unknown

South Carolina Voters Association asks that you help support Ms. Kenisha Williams

(Ms. Kenisha Williams speaking at a rally in Fayetteville, NC prior to President Obama's introduction)

The South Carolina Voters Association wants to congratulate one of its very own; Ms. Kenisha Williams, who has been accepted into the Women's Campaign School at Yale University.
Of the 124 members serving in the SC House of Representatives, only 16 are women. Currently, there are no women serving in the State Senate.  And, there are no women representing South Carolina in the US Congress or US Senate.  
Ms. Williams' journey to success has just begun! She is going to need our genuine thoughts, prayers and an ultimate display of our support. Join me in seeing her dream become reality. Below, please find a direct link to her 'go fund me' account. Any amount is welcomed. Your contribution is a gift and your efforts will help shape not only her future but the future of our state! Together we will make this happen. For more information or to make a secure donation, please go to: http://www.gofundme.com/wwwgofundmecomKenisha

Michael Bailey
State Director

South Carolina Voters Association

To the Honorable Senator Graham,

I hope this writing finds you in good health and great spirits. Although we have often disagreed on political matters I have always respected and admired you! I am proud to say you are our most reasonable voice in the best interest of the citizens of our great state in the US Senate.

I am writing regarding the upcoming troop withdrawal decision from Afghanistan. I usually support our Honorable and duly elected President on matters, having helped nominate him in Denver, Co. immediately following my dear wife's unexpected death in the summer of 2008. After hearing both you and Sen. McCain on Fox News and MSNBC this morning, June 20 I wish to express my opinion on the plan to withdraw our troops.

Andrew Evatt in uniformMy only son, Spec. Andrew M. Evatt, US Army received his deployment papers this weekend to report to Afghanistan the second week of July 2011. Andrew will receive the rank of Sargeant upon arriving in Afganistan having already passed all tests and requirements with excellent efforts according to his commanders. It's my understanding his promotion is taking place once on the ground due to his boss wanting to make sure he stays with his guys from Ft. Lewis WA. His deployment papers are for one year and he is a newlywed, but his wife, Abby, is a military BRAT that understands his commitment to our great nation.

Sen. Graham, I understand you are in position to know much more than I on the subject.  Andrew has no idea I am writing this letter to my friend, Sen. Graham. I am so proud of him having joined the Army only 30 days following his mom's death and about three months after graduating Walhalla High School.

It is my hope we can finally pullout after almost a decade of being there. Not only for the sake of my family but for all military families, I hope you will influence Sec. Robert Gates and President Obama in withdrawing our troops in the most timely and safest manner.
It is time to stop the needless waste in the death and wounding of our military personnel and the Billions of our tax dollars being spent on this ongoing effort.  Afghanistan does not have a strong central government.  War lords control geographic and cultural segments of the country.  Other able countries have been drawn into senseless wars in Afghanistan to no avail.  It is time to withdraw not in defeat but in acknowledgement that Obama got Osama - Mission Accomplished!
Respectfully yours,
Mike Evatt/ Keowee precinct
State Exec. member SCDP (Oconee)

Michael Bailey, the State Director of the South Carolina Voters Association talks with Ben Hoover of WIS TV’s Newswatch about South Carolina’s Voter ID Law and it’s potentially harmful impact on our constitutional right to vote.
Michael Bailey 9:41pm Jun 19
Michael Bailey, the State Director of the South Carolina Voters Association talks with Ben Hoover of WIS TV’s Newswatch about South Carolina’s Voter ID Law and it’s potentially harmful impact on our constitutional right to vote.

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