Sunday, May 15, 2011


Hi Lee

I consider myself to be a liberal democrat, a product from the 60s'
Don't go to Vietnam and kill people you don't know, avoid the draft.
One of the few people who inspired me was Mohammad Ali. A great man. Too bad so many people couldn't see it
I would like to get these messages on your Twitter account

I don't know if I'm getting my messages in on your Twitter. I post them to the SCCP web site on Facebook.  I know they go there but the page is so inactive.

Here's my last post on that page. 

This is a perfect example of why we need new leaders in the Anderson County Democratic party.
A guest speaker gave a talk. For some who couldn't come, we didn't hear what the speaker had to say.
Stuart Sprague, the Chair of the ACDP, should have taken care of this. Stuart is a yes man, and only surrounds himself with yes people. If the Democrats are going to succeed in this state, we have to look for new leadership, people with new ideas, not the same old same old.

Max Wendroff


  1. I consider Max a friend of mine, who is very passionate about his views. I respect and salute his willingness to make his feelings known even though they may be received in a negative light, but as a chair we are suppose to be mature enough and skilled enough to receive the negative and build on it to make it a positive. The question in Stuarts mind should not be, "Why is this guy attacking me?", but "Is there any validity to this gentleman attacking me?". Whether the attack is true or not should never be the reason for your first self assessment, because attacks or seldom based on what is or is not true, but on the perception of truth for that individual. The solution to this issue is usually as simple as a phone call or an email shared between just the two of you, where Stuart gets the opportunity to express his reasoning behind his actions. If Max accept his explanation as valid and a justifiable action to the issue at hand then it will end their but if not then it will be the responsibility of Max to explain how he would have handled it and why he would have done so. If Stuart agrees with Max's solution or a variation of his solution then they can move forward from there. If not then this is what is known as a teaching moment, where the issue should be put before the body to see if there are others that feel the same as Max and if there are a substantial number that do, this issue has to be debated and resolved before this group can move forward. Of course this is my opinion based on similar things happening to me, but that does not make it right.

  2. I respect Stuart a great deal. I think that Stuart is a gentleman and very articulate. I'm attacking the Democratic Party in Anderson, unfortunately Stuart is the leader.
    The bottom line is that we must make changes. More people must get involved. This is where I'm attacking Stuart. Stuart agrees with me when I say we must make changes, but, it pains me to say this, he has not made any changes.
    This leaves us to what kind of changes we must make.
    In politics you must have hard skin. I believe if a person spit in my face, I would ask him why he did it. The point: Stuart must take everything I say negative about him with a grain of salt. It's not him, rather the policies.
    Now, let's talk about changes: What I see is that a person runs for some kind of elected position in the Democratic party, and the Democrats send him or her out there like a lone wolf somewhere in Alaska looking for food. This is totally wrong. The next election we must gather around the candidate and coach. We must funnel our creative resources to make that person a winner in the election. It's not about that candidate, it's about us. That candidate is representing us.
    In closing, I see very clearly that Stuart loves the Democratic party. He has a passion for it. I don't want to see Stuart leave, I'm just asking that we change direction. Keep the same leaders, let's just change the direction of the leaders.
    This goes for Dave the Democrat. Clearly one can see that the Democratic party is his life. Let's just try to make his life more fuller by adding more elected officials to the Democratic party in SC.

  3. A change that I propose is that we make a commercial. I will produce it, and edit it. This means that we will not have to lay out any money. i will do it for free. This is my profession, a filmmaker. From then on, I will use the word "WE." I need help to get our message out. We must get it out to the swing voters.
    In order to get it out and have it watched, we need to make the video short and interesting. It must hit the gut.
    I see the commercials that have been done for the SC Democratic party. They're terrible; they lack substance.
    Let's take the ex-governor-al candidate, Sheehen:
    As soon as I saw his commercial, I knew it was doomed.
    His commercial was clique. He showed a happy man with a family. What about sad people? What about the people without a family?
    His commercial didn't relate to those people. As a consequence, those people probably didn't get his vote. And there's probably plenty of them.
    On the other hand, look at ex-governor Bob Graham from Florida. His commercial showed a man down in the trenches with the common man. His video-commercial hit the gut. As a consequence, he won.
    Let's look at Dick Harpootlian's commercial. He went about it totally wrong. He cuts down the governor and then uses hearsay to get his point across. If you want to get your point across, use the first person, not what others say about the first person. You can always get anyone to say anything about another. it's a lawyer's skill. Each side has an expert witness. The problem lies on which side has the more persuasive expert witness.
    I'm going to leave this as it is. I have my ideas, but I want input from others.
    Remember, the subject is to get swing voters, the theme is how we do it.
    We will make this video short. Then, if we click, we will make another, then another.


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