Thursday, May 26, 2011


The Democratic Party is called “The Party that cares about people”.  But, as County Chairs has that been our main focus.  Some would say that our main focus has been and should be only dealing with issues as it applies to someone being elected and/or promoting the growth of the Democratic Party as an entity.  I believe that if you concentrate on adhering to our motto then we will succeed in electing our candidates and helping the Party to grow.  I also believe that we should get away from the cheap parlor tricks and backroom deals and base our actions on what is right and what is wrong.   Contrary to what a lot of our political pundits and so-called experts think, the community at-large is not stupid they see and recognize the games that are being played on them.  But because they have been optimistic and hopeful that someone will step forward and do what is right they have taken turns not showing up to vote in hopes that there is a savior in one Party or another. 

As Democrats we must either adhere to the aforementioned motto by actively showing that we care, about people and their rights, or never use this motto again.  Not for one moment do I believe that we all, in the Democratic Party, care about people let along the rights of people.  But I do believe that there are enough of us who do care that we can enforce this on the few that do not. 

We are quickly becoming the Party that will not take a firm stance on anything and it is not our base that is portraying that image, it is our leadership.  To many of our elected leaders local, statewide and nationally will not adhere to the platform that they were elected under.  This has been done so much that it is becoming something that the Republican Party can depend on.  We develop campaign strategy not based on what successes that we have achieved or on what our base wants but on what the Republican media says is important.  In short, our political base is being asked to vote for Republican followers, as their leaders.  Contrary to what our so-called experts may think our base is not that stupid.  We are not losing elections because our base has failed us; we are losing elections because we have failed our base.  We try so hard to find that emotional issue that will bring people out to vote, rather than appealing to the fundamental reasoning behind their day to day decision making process.  That fundamental reasoning process is whether something is right or wrong for them.  Does it benefit their children, their family, their neighbors, their community, their church and yes even their race.  The Republicans whole campaign the last election cycle was based on what they were eluding as a benefit to their race and the Minority population saw this and they also saw that very few of our candidates were stepping up to question these actions and or defend them, so they did not come out to vote as they should have.  They felt betrayed so they stayed home, while both Party’s’ fought for the same White vote.  When that happens, it is a no brainer; the Republicans are going to win.  What makes the Democratic Party a favorite is, when it is doing what its’ motto alludes to; it will cut huge chunks out of the electorate in all population demographics.  But try explaining that to most of our experts and our so-called leaders. 

Just my opinion, it does not make it right.

Lee Walter Jenkins


  1. Lee,

    I think you’re right on the mark. People will vote Democratic if they perceive us – and if we can be – the party that cares. The Republicans are giving all indications that they do not care about ordinary people.


  2. Mr Jenkins,well said and much needed.
    I like what you said about what the Democratic Party stand for The party that cares about people..This is it !!!

    Retha Ross

  3. I think that you are absolutely right. It's time to step up to the plate and be totally honest with people. We need to get rid of the "what's in it for me" way of thinking and just do the right things.

    Pat Gibson-Hye Moore


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