Thursday, May 12, 2011

Letter to the Editor

Dear Fellow Democrats and Union County Residents:
            If you can answer yes or no and not may be so to the following question, you need to get serious about your future and for all of those that will come behind you.  Those of us that live today determine what happens to those that will live on after us.  “Are you your brother’s keeper”?
            It is far pass time that we unite together and get involved with the party that addresses the issues of those of us that are not part of the 5 percent wealthy population that is benefitting from our hard labor, tax dollars, and struggles.  Aren’t you tired of paying for this portion of the population to be better off than you are?  Again, if your answer is yes, you need to make a conscientious and smart decision for yourself.  Why keep bearing the stress that you are currently experiencing when you can do something about it?  After all, no one is going to do it for you.  “We have no hands but our hands and no feet but our feet” and so on.  You know how the statement goes.
            Once your eyes are opened and you become informed, self interest individuals and groups will no longer be able to mislead you with inaccurate and distorted facts.  “An informed society is a progressive society.”  Stop letting the media and others determine how you vote.
Educate yourselves to the true facts.
            With all of the aforesaid statements, it is my plea to you to get involved with the party that is working for all people regardless of race, creed, color, age, ethnicity,  or socioeconomic status and let us make a better Union County for all of us and future generations.   
            Elections are held every two years in even numbered years.  The president of the United States cannot do the job alone.  His job is dependent on those that are elected every two years during the mid-term and general elections which means that you must vote during every primary election in June and every general election in November.  Vote; make sure your voice is heard.  Every vote counts.  Also, our elected officials of Union County that represent us on the state level and the county level need all of us to get involved and stay involved year after year (not just doing presidential election years).  We cannot stop or take time off.  There is no vacation or stopping period in politics.  Politics goes on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and sometimes 366 days a year.
            Therefore, I implore all of you (residents and elected officials) to get involved, register to vote, and vote in every election which is every two years except for special elections due to vacancies.
            The Democratic Party is not a party of a specific race.  It is the party that is working hard for the 95 percent work force of Union County.
            The Union County Democratic Party meets every fourth Monday at 6:00 p.m.  The April meeting will be held April 25th, Black Rock Precinct (Bethesda Church Annex), 5751 Whitmire Highway, Whitmire.  All are welcome.  “It’s your destiny, you determine it”.

Ann Stevens
Chair, Union County Democratic Party

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