Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Who Is a Patriot

When I was in College I had an Instructor to tell me that a rich person is very rarely a Patriot because it cost them too much.  He asked if I heard what he said and I said, "yes sir".  He then asked me if I understood what he said and I said "not really".  He said that a Patriot is someone who zealously love his homeland to the point that he would not only sacrifice his own life but the lives of his family members and all his possessions, for its' safety.  A person without wealth understands that this is the only home that they have and probably ever will have so if this country is destroyed and/or taken over they will have no where else to go.  So love of country for them is not just a slogan but a way of life and they teach it to their children and their children's children.

 A rich person's loyalty normally is in his wealth and he/she understands that if this country is destroyed and/or taken over they can always go to another country where they have investments and/or bank accounts.  So love of country is more of a slogan to them than a way of life.  As a rule they will not sacrifice their life and/or their family members live's for the sake of their country.  Their children rarely serve in the military and if they do, seldom as ordinary soldiers or any personnel in harms way.  They go through life using people without wealth against the masses of people without wealth.  They are always seeking to either be in leadership or more often than not having control of those in leadership.  They are constantly looking for ways and methods of controlling the masses so that they can insure the security for their wealth their family and above all, their way of life.  The worst thing for a wealthy person is to lose his/her wealth and live as an ordinary citizen.  That is why the rate of suicide is so great among wealthy people who lose their wealth.

My instructor was white and he was the first person to tell me that race was the number one tool of the wealthy and those political leaders they control to keep the masses separate.  The next time I was to heard this theory was in the 1980's.  I was watching this talk show that had a Grand Dragon of the Klu Klux Klan and two African-American Leaders, talking about their collective issues.  Surprisingly the Grand Dragon stated to the two African-American Leaders that the same people that are holding us down is the same ones that are holding you down and we shouldn't be fighting against each other but against them.  Now that was an eye opener and I immediately recognized that concept as the one that my instructor introduced me to when I was nineteen years old.  If you recall some of the major Political decisions of our time you will notice that they have equally benefited and taken away from one race or another but 95% of the time it has positively economically impacted one or more wealthy corporate entities or another at the expense of the growth of racial and/or religious tension within our society.  Think about this and let me know what you thank.

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